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About the Studio


Lessons take place at the Cleveland Romanian Baptist Church, located at 581 E Ridgewood Drive, Seven Hills, OH 44131.


I welcome students ages 4 and up.


Beginners start with weekly 30 minute lessons, and lesson times gradually increase as the student progresses.


The studio holds two recitals per year, one at the end of each semester. This is our chance to practice performing for an audience, show off all our hard work, and celebrate together!

Do students learn to read music?

Absolutely! Students learn to read music after they have mastered the basics of playing the violin, typically at the beginning of Suzuki Book 2. The skill of reading music is essential to every musician and is a priority in my teaching.

Group Classes

Group classes are held weekly, fostering community, musical ensemble skills, and fun! Beginner group classes develop basic musical skills such as pulse, rhythm, and posture, through clapping and movement to music in a fun environment. Intermediate and advanced group classes provide added social motivation, technical reinforcement, and group music-making skills.

How do I get started?

Contact me! I would love to meet you and your child, and to have you observe a lesson. 

Anna’s Suzuki Violin Studio

“Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.”  ~ Shinichi Suzuki

About the Studio